Tag: Skill

Passion Project 4


TOPIC: Chess

GOALS: Today for passion project my goal is to win 3 times and only lose once and I will try achieve that goal by using scholars mate (a 4 move checkmate) and if they block the checkmate I will try use another method by going defensive because scholars mate puts you in a bad position. And if chess doesn’t go on because of the lack of people I will use chesskid.com and then try achieve my goal and on chesskid.com I will try to win 3 games and 2 puzzles because on chesskid.com its easier to play chess against others because you can choose a time limit (5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes).


Reflection: Chess wasn’t on so I had to achieve my goal on chesskid.com. I achieved my goal of winning 3 times and try not to lose more than once but I for my surprise I won 4 times without losing once and I also won against 3 people in puzzle duel so I finished more than my original goal. To finish my goal to win against 3 people and maybe only lose once I chose the 10 minute option because then I can make a move without any mistake and immediately I won the first 2 games in the 4 move checkmate the the other two games went on for 5-6 minutes.