Banksy Artworks

We have been learning about Banksy artwork this week. If you didn’t know who Banksy is he is a street artist and he is anonymous . All of Banksy’s artworks are trying to say his option on something. We had a choice to make Banksy  artwork on a fake brick wall or make your own type of graffiti on paper or you can say the meanings of Banksy’s artworks. Have you ever done Banksy artwork style? If you have what did you draw?

Periodic Element Writing

For the writing task in literacy this week we had to choose a element and research about it. For the research part we had to know who discovered the element, then we had to have a structure of the element then after that if we want we can put in interesting things about helium. Have you ever done something like this? If you have what element did you research about?


Action Stations

On Fridays, I have been learning card games for my action station. I’ve learnt PIG, Sevens, Old Maid and crazy eights. I had to read the instructions to learn to learn to play, and add scores to see who won.

The game I enjoyed the most was PIG because when playing the game I could laugh around with my friends and it was exciting to see if anyone had a set of four.

My Debate Speech

For the past 1-2 weeks my literacy group has been working on debates. For the debate we got options on what we want to do and me and 2 other of my friends chose do the debate about why school shouldn’t start at 10 am. This is our script (person A script got deleted by accident):

Person B : ‘In October 2023 the Educational Research Association found that if school starts earlier it doesn’t have a negative impact on elementary school students’. And besides If school starts later it would be difficult to schedule sports practice and after school activities.  

Person C: A later start time could disrupt parents’ schedules or students’ sleep schedules. If schools started later students would take a while to adjust so they wake up at their normal time so they would be more tired throughout the day. So in conclusion, if school started at 10am it would have a big negative impact on not just students but also their parents. 

In this debate I did well in speaking loud and fast. I could also work on making my voice a bit more clearer.

Kids Greening Taupo 2 (Earth Day Challenge) (Mahi A tahi.)

Today in Kids Greening Taupo I read about littering (I read this for my mahi a tahi point), the text was about why we should stop littering and why it is bad for the environment. After I read the text I understood why we should collect rubbish, we should pick up rubbish because our parks, forests, could be rubbish free and they can be beautiful like they once did. If you want to read more of these texts click on this link.

Kids Greening Taupo (Earth Day Challenge) (Mahi A tahi).

In earth day challenge they are encouraging you to clean your local town then once your done with the challenge you can tick off the challenge you had just done. This will help the environment by making people clean up there local area, they’re trying to clean our planet with the help of us. If you want to help as well you can go to this link and find out how to help our environment. LINK

Learning This Week

This week at tech my group (7a) learnt about how to make a box. The first step to making a box was to plan it out by writing on a sheet how big you want it to be, what special features you want. Today we finished our box but we still need to make a base for the box and we need to make a lid. After making a base and a lid we can then add the special features we want.

Persuasive Writing

Today for literacy we did persuasive writing. We learnt how to use persuasive writing and what type of words we need to use for the writing to be persuasive. The type of words I used to be persuasive were: rhetorical questions, and statics. We also did drafts this was my draft one:

Global warming is a big issue now and did you know that per year around 150 billion metric tons of ice gets separated from Antarctica and then goes into the sea which is making the sea levels rise? If we don’t stop global warming now the generations to come might not survive. To stop this from happening you can try to walk,bike or use buses to save fossil fuels. – DRAFT 1


Global warming is a big issue now because per year around 150 billion metric tons of ice gets separated from Antarctica and did you know that the ice that gets separated from Antarctica goes into the sea which is making the sea levels rise? If we don’t stop global warming now the generations to come wont live. To stop this from happening you can try to walk, bike or use public transport to save fossil fuels and if you want global warming to stop even faster you can switch to electric vehicles because they don’t need gas to run on and new models are coming out that are cheaper than most of the new cars that need gas. – DRAFT 2


Global warming is a big issue now and did you know that per year around 150 billion metric tons of ice gets separated from Antarctica and did you know that the ice that gets separated from Antarctica goes into the sea which is making the sea levels rise? If we don’t stop global warming now the generations to come wont live.- draft 1


To stop this from happening you can try to walk, bike or use public transport more to save fossil fuels. You can also switch to electric cars because they don’t run on fossil fuels and the new models are cheap.Electric cars are $68000 on average but even if they cost more than gasoline cars and they save over $2000 dollars per year on gas bills and they are good for the long run so it can save your weekly budget.-draft 2


After we did 2 drafts yesterday we started our 3rd and the teacher sent us a persuasive writing assessment. We had to write about 4 things we did in our writing. I did being persuasive not opinion,


 After reading all the reasons to stop global warming it’s now your decision to stop it or not. Our actions now can change the future if we stop this now the future will be a good place but if we don’t do anything about this the generations to come will struggle for survival.   


 – Draft 3


These photos are an example of what’s happening in antarctica:

How To Make A Shelter In The Forest

Have you seen those videos on YouTube about people being lost in the forest for days and they survived? These people that can survive for days in the forest without help know how to survive and in this tutorial I will be teaching you how to make a shelter in the forest.

Step 1: Try to get long pieces of wood because you will need it alot. After getting about 15 long pieces of wood you can almost start your small shelter.

Step 2: You now have to find a big tree (it doesn’t have to be a big tree it can be a small tree but a big tree is recommended) and once you found one you need to hug the tree and see where the warm spot is (the spot where cold air doesn’t blow on you). Once you’ve found the warm spot you can start building your shelter.

Step 3: After doing all the steps you can make your shelter. First you need to make a spine with the biggest log (lie down the log on the tree so it has about a 50 degree tilt) then you need to fill in the sides with the other logs then you are done.