Category: Hanga | Create

Made up monster

8/12/22 Today I made up a imaginary monster for literacy. I thought of making a gorilla body with a yeti head so I took both of the images  then cropped the backgrounds then traced them with the poly line tool but the mouth and the eyes were to small to trace so I zoomed in to the yeti then I used poly line. After I added texture to the body with spot’s. After designing the monster I still had 3 things to do describe my monster describe my monsters habitat where it lives why people might believe it . I used descriptive words to describe my monster then I said it eats fish,ants,spiders,lion,tiger, and rarely humans and it wake’s up every 50 years. the people believe it because if it gets angry it makes the jungle rumble and ice explode.

The fake news (Canva)

8/12/22 Today I made an fake Instagram post (canva is lying to us by saying it’s a Instagram).  I searched up jumping dog and then used to crop the dog’s background then I took images of me and do the same  then repeat the process with all of the images then ctrl c ctrl v it. Have you ever made a fake Instagram post? If you did was the fake Instagram  about flying dogs and a guy ridding it?

Te Reo Instructions

7/12/22 Today I made Te Reo instructions. The teachers gave us a slide show to fill in the topic was about Te Reo instructions. The second slide is about the Maori words and how they look like the first one is stand up I took all of the images from google and then cropped them on . The third slide was about taking words from flash cards and putting the link to the meaning of the words here’s the site and the flash cards site Te Aka  Flash cards. Have you ever made a Te Reo instructions. If you did was it like this one? If it was what words did you choose for slide 3?

Rudolph the reindeer.

5/12/22 Today I made Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. I made this on google arts and culture for summer learning journey. Today a person came and told about the summer learning journey and then said try doing a activity and one of the activity was a Christmas colouring which I did I made Rudolph the reindeer. did you ever make a reindeer for summer learning journey?

My Tattoo story

2/12/22 Today I made a tattoo design . The  animal is if I had to choose a favorite animal a dog . The guy that has red eyes that is a power that I would want telekinesis I would want it because so I could do heavy lifting if I needed it or to help another person. The portal is another power I want. The portal is showing me being able to teleport anywhere I want.

Colour blind Art

29/11/22 Today I made a colour blind  friendly art. This art is colour blind friendly because colour blind people can see all the colours on the image like how we see the colours. We see yellow,blue,brown and green like them and colour blind people see the same. I used google to research about what colours are friendly to colour blind and what colours they can see  easier and I used art coloring book-google arts. Have you ever made a colour blind art? If you did what colours did you use?

News paper article (fake)

21/11/22 Today I made a newspaper. This is the 3rd one I did for my cyber smart 6 blog post. This is a newspaper about an Rawhiti School student making a national team ( I don’t think that possible) and Rawhiti School got rewards and money and the girl got 12 million dollars.  and the news says for the secret how the girl made the national team to you have to watch there  live news and the news said it’s channel 10 at 3pm and 20 minutes left. And the name of the team is did you guess it well if you didn’t it’s All Blacks. Did you ever make a fake news article? If you did what was your story?

I didn’t hack

16/11/22 Today I made another blog post about fake text this is another one after this blog post I need to do 4 more. This site is called fakebook  theirs the link so I made some random names like you can see just saying I am not a hacker you cant see the description it says that I hacked Elon Musk for 20 billion dollars (which I wrote) and I traveled the world in 2 weeks and in the friend list it says friends with Dwayne (Rock)  and other random famous friends. Did you ever make something like this? If you did what site did you use?

Do you think this is fake?

16/11/22 Today I have made a fake text. The teachers gave us 6 cyber smart activity’s to do this is my first one. There’s a site called that’s what I used. If you want to make a fake text on ifaketext first think about what fake text are you going to do. I made a girl that is saying that she saw a site saying that in her school someone saw an alien to her mum. You can’t insert a image on to the text all you need to do go to google drive make a google slide and put the image you want on the text and the text next to it and put them together. It only works on google slides because when I tried it on google docs it didn’t work. Did you ever do a fake text? If you did what was it about?

Did you think this news is fake

7/11/22 Today I learnt about fake sites and fake news. Me and my buddy Salmaan had made a fake news article. We used a template already made by the teachers. Me and my buddy took photos of each other with different poses . Then we cropped the background with a site called remove.b.g. We found a picture of Rawhiti school and got fire from google images and a battle axe, also a shield and a helmet. Have you ever made something like this? If you did what tools did you use?