Category: Hanga | Create

Division Writing

                                                                   3rd Division:

Our potatoes have vanished. We must hope we will get our potatoes back. We hear music far away and one of the words is “freedom” and then we wonder who took our potatoes, maybe Mr happy? The sun was up and there was light rain which made multiple rainbow(s). The clock was ticking, our hearts were beating faster than a bullet train. Suddenly the shop owner shouted “YES WE FOUND OUR POTATOES” while he was crying out loud. Some people from the street looked at the store. 


For the past 3 days my literacy group has been working on division writing /poem writing this blog post is for division writing There’s another blog post for poem writing. When my group did division writing we had 4 divisions the fourth division was make a story that includes these words: potatoes, hope, yes, vanish, happy, freedom, rainbows, clock, must, think, who, music which I didn’t do then the 3rd division was making a story from those words but the story has to be 66,77, or 88 words exactly which I did do then the 2nd division was make a story from 66,77, or 88 words using all of the 12 words but the story must include the word “why” twice  then the word “and” 5 times then “but” twice and “said” twice which I didn’t do then the first division was write a story from 66,77, or 88 words using all of the 12 words above and use the word “why” twice “and” 5 times and “said” twice. Your story must contain exactly three words starting with “y” and six words  ending in “t” which I also didn’t do. Have you ever done division writing? If you have what was the catches?

Poem Writing



                                   Balloon sat in darkness carrying a suitcase of sorrow. 

                                   His family looked at him while trying to cheer Balloon up with a balloon.        

                                   Balloon went into the shower because of his dirt-like smell.

                                   He shouted in anger inside the shower and then listened to his voice and it sounded like a croak from a frog. 

                                    His breath smelt like rubber from a popped balloon.        


  For the past 3 days I have been working on a poem. After our end of the year reflection’s my group started doing poem writing and  division writing. Some in my group didn’t start this poem when I did because they still haven’t finished their end of the year reflection writing. My literacy teacher Sharon sent a google slideshow to every in our literacy group named “Poetry Collection 2023 (your name)”. On the first page of this google slide it talked about Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Hyperbole, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia and if you might want to add them in your poem. Up to the 7th slide it talked about where you could use these figurative languages then slide 8-12 were about what you noticed about the poem what kind of words they used why has the author chosen these words. On page 13 there’s a video that tells you how to write your own poem and the first step was to name your character then the second step was what they like to do. All of the steps are basically the description of the person you chose.  Have you ever written a poem? If you have what steps did you follow?


Yayoi Kusama ArtWork

For the past couple of weeks my class has been working on Yayoi Kusama art. We first learnt about what made Yayoi Kusama want to start her art journey for our surprise she wanted to start art because when she was little see saw weird light which inspired her to start her art journey. Her famous arts were the Infinity Room, Dots Obsession, ascension Of Polka Dots. This piece of artwork was inspired by her other artworks you can think it as 5 different artworks in one. I most enjoyed drawing the DNA on the sides because I think it made it look better and I liked drawing the middle because It made the painting look overall better by sticking out more and having bright colours. When I look at my drawing now I think I rushed it I know that because I used one colour to much (blue) and maybe I could have less blue on the edge and have more shapes on the end if there any other suggestions you could put it in the comments and maybe next time if we ever draw Yayoi Kusama artworks I could use those suggestions. Have you ever heard about Yayoi Kusama? If you have did you try Yayoi Kusama artwork’s?



Top Team Challenge

Today my school did top team. Top team was only for year 4-8’s. To explain top team its basically just multiple outdoor activity’s with other 6 people or maybe its lower but we got 6 people. For the activity’s We did: Faulty Towers, Beach Puzzle, Gutter Golf Ball, Egg & Spoon, 4 Player Sack Race, Tick Tack Toe, Sponge Race, Target Hitting With A Gumboot, Ski Racing But With 5 People In The Same ski (which was really hard because sometimes one person didn’t lift the ski with their legs which slowed us down but we still won) and that’s all for the activity’s. One of the hardest activity’s was tick tack toe because we didn’t have time to communicate about what we were doing so that made it hard and that’s why we lost also the beach puzzle was also hard because it was hard to match piece by piece and we thought we were going to lose but the other team messed up which made us win. I’d say the easiest activity was gutter golf ball because the only thing you needed to do was position the gutter so the golf ball goes into the bucket then take the bucket to the other side when the person that drops the golf balls runs out of golf balls and hitting the target with a gumboot was also easy because the wind made us get 5’s and 3’s because we positioned the gumboot where it usually would land in a 1 then the wind would make it land in the 5 which gave us a score of 209 which was a amazing score but the other team got 216. I’d say hitting the target with the gumboot was my most favorite activity from them all because it felt thrilling to see what score I will get. If I made a activity that was something like top team I think I would make a dancing activity and the objective would be to dance to the rhythm and one person competes with another person from the opposite team. I think this game could work out and I would definitely recommend this activity because of the movement. Have you ever heard of top team? If you have did you ever do the activity’s?



Starting From Scratch – Coding Shapes



For 1 or 2 weeks my entire class has been coding in scratch. The name for this project is called Starting From Scratch. My class has been coding various different shapes like square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, decagon, and so on. The first part of this activity was coding a square which was really easy then part 1 continued was coding a pentagon/hexagon then part 2 was about choosing a easy to hard shape. The options were rectangle, staircase, cross, trapezoid, Spiro lateral, spiral, star. Some of us were not allowed to code the rectangle because it was to easy so we had to do other codes. The shapes were ranked from easiest to hardest with the rectangle being the easiest then the staircase then the cross then the trapezoid then the spiro lateral then the spiral and last but not least was a star . Part 3 was selecting a card from 4 different cards and coding it and before you code the card you need to predict about what the card you chose will code. The first set of cards was really easy then the second got harder then the last one wasn’t that harder and most of my predictions were correct. part 4 was about getting one person to another person which was easy all you have to do is use glide block until Zane gets to Fatu. Part 4 continued is also very easy it’s about choosing a person then making that person go to another other person I chose the green person to go to the blue person which was also easy to code because I used the glide block again and again until the green person got to the blue person which made it really easy. Have you ever done a scratch project that’s themed about shapes? If you Have what shapes were they Irregular shapes or normal shapes?


Here’s the predictions for part 3: Scratch predictions

Axolotl life cycle

for the past 2 weeks my literacy group as been researching and writing a report about axolotls.  This activity took longer than we thought (3 days more) and it was pretty hard because we didn’t have to much time to write the report and on top of that I didn’t really have time to research so I had to research while writing the report. I think this activity helped me a lot because I can now write a pretty good quality piece of writing in 2 weeks. Have you ever done a report about axolotls? If you have was the report hard?

Enlargement- Shapes

18/10/23 Yesterday for math’s we were learning about enlargement. enlargement means making something bigger than it already was. For this math activity we started with small shapes (4 squares high and 4 squares across) then we had to enlarge the green squares by a factor of 3 and the red shapes by a factor of 2. All the green shapes were 12 by 12 and red shapes were 8 by 8. The hardest part about this math problem for me was drawing the hexagon I couldn’t get it right but I finally got the hexagon but it wasn’t the best. Have you ever done enlargement? If you have how did you enlarge it?

Cybersmart- When Things Go Wrong

15/09/23 today for cybersmart we learnt about what to do when something sends you message that you feel uncomfortable. For the activity we put in the ticks for the box’s to tell we know how to send emails and blog posts correctly. I’m pretty sure they ask you if you can send emails properly because you maybe want to send a email to teacher regarding about people sending hurtful words to you. As a troll I put a random  face over my face. Have you ever done a lesson about cyber bulling? If you have who would you trust?

Quality blog post

24/07/23 Today for cybersmart we learnt about quality blog posts. My teacher put a challenge to post a blog comment on someone in your class then someone in a different class then someone in a different school. I found this challenge pretty easy because I usually always try to do quality blog posts so I didn’t find this cybersmart activity hard. Have you ever made a quality blog post?

All Bottled Up

20/07/23 For math’s we did a independent task called All Bottled Up.  This question was pretty hard if you don’t understand it ( I didn’t when starting this question) but if you understand which is really easy to it could be hard. I think the hardest question was question D with my solving because you cant just say 7/2 you need a better way so I used a division method and the answer was 3 with a remainder of 1 to simplify 3R1 so then I understood the answer would be 3 and a half cups but if I really wanted I could simply do half of 7 which is 3.5 which is 3 and a half cups which would take the fun out of solving it the hard way. Have you ever tried a math problem like this? If you have did you get the answer to the question?