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Nano Girl Assembly

Yesterday we had the whole school assembly and the reason we had the whole school assembly was because of  Nano girl (a science YouTuber). Nano girl came to our school and showed us some cool experiments and the first one was putting her hand on fire by dipping her hand in a liquid that had resistance to fire. For the second experiment she showed us that when blowing into a big tube if she blows really quick then it fills the tube really quick.

She did more experiments which included: blowing beach balls with leaf blowers, using a vortex cannon, using the leaf blower with toilet paper. For the 3rd experiment blowing beach balls with leaf blowers she used high wind then controlled the beach ball movement with the positioning of the leaf blower.

When she used the vortex cannon she named the experiment “using telekinesis”. She first tried using the vortex cannon without anything inside but the air wasn’t really that visible because it didn’t have much pressure so then she put smoke inside the vortex cannon so you could actually see the air. The air came in the shape of a ring. For people who don’t know what vortex cannons are they are circular tubes that release visible air.

For the last experiment she used a leaf blower to blow toilet paper off which looked really cool when done correctly  (they did it wrong the first time). Have you ever seen anything like this? If you have who did it?


Passion Project (Chess)


Project 1:Chess

My goal is to checkmate against a good player in less than 30 moves, I would also like to checkmate someone in 3 moves.

Reflection: (40 minutes) Since chess wasn’t on I had played online in chesskids. but I achieved my goal in checkmating in 3 moves. I would rate online playing 7/10 but playing in real life is 10/10. I couldn’t tell who’s a good player because I don’t know anyone on chesskid so I couldn’t achieve my first goal. I played 3 games and won 2 and lost 1. I also played 1 puzzle game after.

My Science Display Element

For our science display each person in my class has to make a tile and I got assigned curium. I chose a radioisotope thermometric generator because curium can only be mined from them I also chose the toxic sign because curium is radioactive and then on the top left and right I put the atomic weight and the atomic number. Have you ever done something like this with your class? If you have what was the topic about and what did you get assigned?

Action Stations

This term for action stations, I have been learning chess. I have practised online and played against other students.

I have enjoyed playing chess because when playing chess I like learning new strategies.

I have won against a student in my chess class. My score is 1 win 0 defeats.

We have a chess ladder in my chess class and we randomly got our placements in the chess ladder and i’m 21st out of 27 but I think I will go up because I am a decent player.


Famous Chemists Biography

   For literacy we worked on a biography of someone famous in chemistry. I chose to write a biography about Dmitri Mendeleev. I chose Dmitri Mendeleev because he created the Periodic table and I think that’s a great achievement so I thought about how his life might have been. For the biography we had to have the date of birth, education, work, major discoveries and awards. Have you ever written about someone famous? If you have what were they famous in?


                    Dmitri Mendeleev:


Information about Dmitri Mendeleev:

  • Name: Dmitri Mendeleev
  • DOB: 8th Feb 1834
  • Education: he attended pedagogical institute
  • Work: He was a teacher
  • Major Discoveries: Periodic table
  • Awards: A davy medal, A faraday lectureship prize, ForMemRS awards


                                                             DMITRI MENDELEEV:                                                                                                            

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist that discovered the Periodic table. Dmitri Menedeleev was born on 8th February 1834 and he died on the second of February 1907. He Studied at the institute of Pedagogical where he later  graduated in 1855. Later in Saint Petersburg University he received a masters degree in 1856.  After graduation he worked as a teacher in Simferopol (in Crimea) but he left after 2 months and then carried on his studies  in Saint  Petersburg University. After his studies in February 1869 Dmitri had made his greatest invention the Periodic table and now Dmitri is known for the Periodic table and he also has the title of the “Father Of The Periodic Table”. For his invention Dmitri got the davy medal, the faraday lectureship prizes and the ForMemRS awards. The Davy medal is awarded for people that have made outstanding contributions in the field of chemistry. The faraday lectureship prize is awarded once every two years  by the Royal Society of Chemistry for exceptional contributions to chemistry. The ForMemRS is awarded by the judges of the Royal Society of London to people who have made a substantial contribution to the improvement of our understanding. This could be in mathematics, engineering science and medical science.




Examining The Credibility Of A Source

For literacy this week we learnt about how to examine the credibility of a source. For the task we had to choose 2 different articles and then find information about those articles. For my 2 articles I chose Reddit response and Google search. I think if I had to compare the credibility I think that the Reddit response is more credible because the person who wrote the article was a teacher in chemistry. Have you ever done anything like this? If you have what was the topic?

Perspective  My Notes My Notes
My article Article 3 – Reddit site response Article 1 – Google search
Who is the author?

 Where does this information come from?

The authors name is Gavin Kanowitz and the information comes from reddit There is no certain author because it is from google. 
Does the author/organization have any biases that may influence what they chose to include? When I read the article it seemed they didn’t really have much bias. I think that they put some of their more favourite chemists near the top, we also thought that they had more men than women in the 40 chemists.  I couldn’t find any bias
Who is the audience? 

Is the audience likely to think this source is credible? 

I think the audience they’re trying to target is people that are more interested in chemists. I think people will think the source is reliable because reddit is famous but the article isn’t that reliable because they wrote the article on a site where it’s open for everyone.  I think the audience is the people that are interested in chemists. People may think this source is credible but it isn’t because google takes information from sites and then gives the information to us, so even if there’s false information on a site google would still give us that same information. So this source isn’t credible.
What makes this source reliable? Why might you trust this information? I think people will think the source is reliable because reddit is famous but the article isn’t that reliable because they wrote the article on a site where it’s open for everyone.  People may think this source is credible but it isn’t because google takes information from sites and then gives the information to us, so even if there’s false information on a site google would still give us that same information. So this source isn’t credible.


Banksy Artworks

We have been learning about Banksy artwork this week. If you didn’t know who Banksy is he is a street artist and he is anonymous . All of Banksy’s artworks are trying to say his option on something. We had a choice to make Banksy  artwork on a fake brick wall or make your own type of graffiti on paper or you can say the meanings of Banksy’s artworks. Have you ever done Banksy artwork style? If you have what did you draw?

Periodic Element Writing

For the writing task in literacy this week we had to choose a element and research about it. For the research part we had to know who discovered the element, then we had to have a structure of the element then after that if we want we can put in interesting things about helium. Have you ever done something like this? If you have what element did you research about?


Action Stations

On Fridays, I have been learning card games for my action station. I’ve learnt PIG, Sevens, Old Maid and crazy eights. I had to read the instructions to learn to learn to play, and add scores to see who won.

The game I enjoyed the most was PIG because when playing the game I could laugh around with my friends and it was exciting to see if anyone had a set of four.

My Debate Speech

For the past 1-2 weeks my literacy group has been working on debates. For the debate we got options on what we want to do and me and 2 other of my friends chose do the debate about why school shouldn’t start at 10 am. This is our script (person A script got deleted by accident):

Person B : ‘In October 2023 the Educational Research Association found that if school starts earlier it doesn’t have a negative impact on elementary school students’. And besides If school starts later it would be difficult to schedule sports practice and after school activities.  

Person C: A later start time could disrupt parents’ schedules or students’ sleep schedules. If schools started later students would take a while to adjust so they wake up at their normal time so they would be more tired throughout the day. So in conclusion, if school started at 10am it would have a big negative impact on not just students but also their parents. 

In this debate I did well in speaking loud and fast. I could also work on making my voice a bit more clearer.