Literacy Task 3 Fiction Writing

For the past couple of weeks my literacy group have been working on multiple different literacy writing and creating tasks and in the literacy task I chose 2 writing tasks, 1 poem task, and 1 infographic. And after each task we have to blog about the task and I chose to blog my fiction writing after my second blog post which was my poem. The topic of this writing is about kai(food). I chose this topic out of 3 other topics (clothing, something lost, kai) because I thought that I could write a moral at the end of not wasting food. This is my story that I made:

Today when I woke up I heard my parents talking about hunting, immediately I rushed to the living room and eagerly asked my dad if I come he said “You are too young maybe later” I replied with “Please Dad I’ve never been hunting, only this once” my dad said “fine but you have to behave there deadly creatures lurking in the forest stay next to me at all times. 

Once we got to the forest we saw some deer slowly without disturbing the deer. My father told me to stay back then “BOOM” a loud sound came from the hunting gun then my father said “This is how you hunt” with a smirk on his face. My hands were shaking, my heartbeat was beating faster than a bullet train. I didn’t know how to respond to the shot. My father asked me if I was okay and I replied “yes it was just so loud I was in shock”. We then proceeded to hunt more deer and after that, we fished for more supplies. 

After we came back to our house my mum was surprised that we had gotten more kai than usual. She also asked me if I had learned anything and I replied by saying “Yes I learned a lot from that experience because of Dad”.

I then learned how hard it is to find food and what skills you need to find the correct food. After that, I never tried to waste food thinking of that first experience of how hard it is to hunt down the food we eat. 

Have you ever made a story based off kai?(food) If you have what type of food did the story include?

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