Literacy Task 4 Non-Fiction Writing

For the past couple of weeks my literacy group have been working on multiple different literacy writing and creating tasks and in the literacy task I chose 2 writing tasks, 1 poem task, and 1 infographic. And after each task we have to blog about the task and I chose to blog my non-fiction writing last because it took longer to write down because I had to research about the writing. The topic is writing a report about the different names and stories about Matariki. This is the story:

Did you know that at least 30 different countries have named Matariki differently? Some of the names are Matariki (Maori), Pleiades (Greek), Subaru (Japanese), Mao (China), and Kirttika (India). 


Matariki doesn’t only have one story about its origin, it has multiple stories and the most famous story is called “The Eyes Of The God”. The story is saying that Tawhirimatea got angry that his mother and father got separated so he threw his eye into the Milky Way Galaxy and then we can see that star in the night sky. 


Matariki is one of the closest stars to Earth even though it’s 440 light years away from Earth it’s 100x farther than the closest star (Proxima Centauri).  


In conclusion, Matariki has different names and different stories but every single country celebrates Matariki in their own way with their own stories. In some countries, Matariki is needed to know when to harvest crops or when to plant.

Have you ever wrote a report about the different names and stories of Matariki? If you have what facts did you discover?

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