Nano Girl Assembly

Yesterday we had the whole school assembly and the reason we had the whole school assembly was because of  Nano girl (a science YouTuber). Nano girl came to our school and showed us some cool experiments and the first one was putting her hand on fire by dipping her hand in a liquid that had resistance to fire. For the second experiment she showed us that when blowing into a big tube if she blows really quick then it fills the tube really quick.

She did more experiments which included: blowing beach balls with leaf blowers, using a vortex cannon, using the leaf blower with toilet paper. For the 3rd experiment blowing beach balls with leaf blowers she used high wind then controlled the beach ball movement with the positioning of the leaf blower.

When she used the vortex cannon she named the experiment “using telekinesis”. She first tried using the vortex cannon without anything inside but the air wasn’t really that visible because it didn’t have much pressure so then she put smoke inside the vortex cannon so you could actually see the air. The air came in the shape of a ring. For people who don’t know what vortex cannons are they are circular tubes that release visible air.

For the last experiment she used a leaf blower to blow toilet paper off which looked really cool when done correctly  (they did it wrong the first time). Have you ever seen anything like this? If you have who did it?


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