Literacy Writing Prompt

The explosion was enormous. We all heard the deafening sound. In seconds Hiroshima was demolished 63% of it was destroyed by the nuke that the USA had dropped. We had never seen that kind of destruction I was lucky to even escape but the bomb made basically everyone including me sick from the emitted radioactive from the bomb.

After that attack I moved to Nagasaki but unluckily Nagasaki got bombed by USA I survived that to but now Japan wasn’t safe unless Hirohito surrendered, and after seeing that Hirohito had surrendered. After that incident Japan also remembered that the USA had almost destroyed Japan.

Then the Americans made the hydrogen bomb which was 1000x more powerful than atomic bombs because atomic bombs use nuclear fission but hydrogen bombs use nuclear fusion which makes them several times more powerful. The bomb had 10 megatons of TNT and the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima only had 10 kilotons (0.01 megatons) that’s how powerful the hydrogen bomb was.

After some years from the first bomb by USA the Soviet Union had made a bomb so destructive that even though the pilot dropped a bomb from 9000 meters and the bomb had a parachute to make the bomb slow down so the pilots had enough time to get out of the test zone it still hit the plane 35 kilometers away. The bomb (Tsar Bomba) had 57 megatons of TNT in it and the explosion made a really big fireball that was 8km wide and about 10.5 km high about the altitude of where the bombers deployed the bomb. The 1 bomb had affected people from 700 kms (400 miles).






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