Banksy Artworks

We have been learning about Banksy artwork this week. If you didn’t know who Banksy is he is a street artist and he is anonymous . All of Banksy’s artworks are trying to say his option on something. We had a choice to make Banksy  artwork on a fake brick wall or make your own type of graffiti on paper or you can say the meanings of Banksy’s artworks. Have you ever done Banksy artwork style? If you have what did you draw?

3 thoughts on “Banksy Artworks

  1. Hey Vinny it’s Archie here. I really like how on the slideshow you have shown the picture of the art the banksy guy has made. I’ve made slideshows just like you before always in inquiry mainly. maybe next time you could provide more information about your learning on making the slideshow.

  2. Malo e lelei Vinny, what an interesting collection of Banksy’s artworks you’ve selected.
    I like that you wrote some sort of interpretation of what you see. The great thing about art is that it’s subjective and people can read the artwork in so many different ways. Maybe you could try and create your own inspired Banksy artwork. Elizabeth K

    1. Kia ora Elizabeth, next time if we ever do Bansky artwork style I will definitely try his artwork style and see how good I can replicate the style.

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