Persuasive Writing

Today for literacy we did persuasive writing. We learnt how to use persuasive writing and what type of words we need to use for the writing to be persuasive. The type of words I used to be persuasive were: rhetorical questions, and statics. We also did drafts this was my draft one:

Global warming is a big issue now and did you know that per year around 150 billion metric tons of ice gets separated from Antarctica and then goes into the sea which is making the sea levels rise? If we don’t stop global warming now the generations to come might not survive. To stop this from happening you can try to walk,bike or use buses to save fossil fuels. – DRAFT 1


Global warming is a big issue now because per year around 150 billion metric tons of ice gets separated from Antarctica and did you know that the ice that gets separated from Antarctica goes into the sea which is making the sea levels rise? If we don’t stop global warming now the generations to come wont live. To stop this from happening you can try to walk, bike or use public transport to save fossil fuels and if you want global warming to stop even faster you can switch to electric vehicles because they don’t need gas to run on and new models are coming out that are cheaper than most of the new cars that need gas. – DRAFT 2


Global warming is a big issue now and did you know that per year around 150 billion metric tons of ice gets separated from Antarctica and did you know that the ice that gets separated from Antarctica goes into the sea which is making the sea levels rise? If we don’t stop global warming now the generations to come wont live.- draft 1


To stop this from happening you can try to walk, bike or use public transport more to save fossil fuels. You can also switch to electric cars because they don’t run on fossil fuels and the new models are cheap.Electric cars are $68000 on average but even if they cost more than gasoline cars and they save over $2000 dollars per year on gas bills and they are good for the long run so it can save your weekly budget.-draft 2


After we did 2 drafts yesterday we started our 3rd and the teacher sent us a persuasive writing assessment. We had to write about 4 things we did in our writing. I did being persuasive not opinion,


 After reading all the reasons to stop global warming it’s now your decision to stop it or not. Our actions now can change the future if we stop this now the future will be a good place but if we don’t do anything about this the generations to come will struggle for survival.   


 – Draft 3


These photos are an example of what’s happening in antarctica:

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