Month: October 2022

My fake headline news

31/10/22 Today I made a fake headline news. We were learning about fake  headlines so were where assigned  to make a fake headlines. The teachers had already made a templates for the children we used it for the fake headlines template. We used explore tool remove.b.g for cropping the image. Have you ever made a fake headlines? If you did what was ur fake headlines?

Fake magazine

28/10/22 Today I made a fake magazine. We have been learning about hoaks and fakes (hoaks means fake) we had to make a fake magazine my fake magazine was you can have a free Nintendo switch just join this link ( its a fake one) and put your address already 10 people got the 10 free Nintendo their response was OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING IS IS NOT A SCAM WIN THIS DO IT. Also there is 1 free ps5 be sure to win it. did you ever do a fake magazine if you did what was ur topic about?

Our visual representation

This is our visual representation made by me Hugo, Salmaan. We learnt what print media is. Print media is things that are printed on paper like newspaper, magazines  and online media is Things that we see on online E.g. video games, online newspaper, video call. And broadcasting media we see it almost everyday E.g. live tv, radio, things on your tv.

3D tissue art.

20/10/22 Today I did a 3D tissue art I used red, teal, dark green and hardly yellow. We had a option to take a printed layout or just make one I did just make one. I thought of a umbrella so I used a ruler so the lines would be straight. So you get some kinda colour  (the one you want) and make a drawing with space in the middle. After that you scrunch up the tissue into a circle and put pva glue and glue onto it. Did you ever do a 3D tissue art? If you did how did you do it?